Here at The Optical Shop, we are here for you in case of an emergency.

There are times when you may need immediate care for your eyes. Any time you experience trauma to your eyes, you need to be seen. If you get anything in your eyes, especially chemicals or foreign objects, you should be seen so that you don’t make your eyes worse. You don’t want to scratch your eyes because something is in them.

If your eyes are painful and red, it is important to be seen by a doctor. If you can’t open your eyes because they are swollen shut, you need to be seen. Any time you lose your vision or experience a change in vision, you need to come right in! If you experience flashing lights, which can also cause vomiting, you should hurry right in.

The sooner you treat your eyes, the quicker you can get relief and start to feel better. You will also ensure that you don’t cause further damage by waiting. You can do a lot of damage by waiting to be seen.

If you are having an eye problem that needs immediate attention, please give us a call right away and let us know that you are on your way! After hours, please call 911 and hurry in to the nearest hospital for care.

If you have any questions about an eye problem that you are concerned about, please contact us today at (727) 824-7150.